Radio People podcast comedy
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Episode 1. Cremebrulary.
air date March 8, 2016
Welcome to Clovermeade! Marcus, Ruby and Carlo struggle to report the news. Bobby leaves his first mission logs from space. Penny Tightgrove teaches how to make an aspic. Featuring music by Gravity Rebellion and Bed Whistle.
Produced by Mike Roberts. Written by Brian Bacon and Brendan Kelly with Mike Roberts, Jason Baasten and Lily Bacon.

Episode 2. Aporwhill.
air date April 7, 2016
“Nothing ever happens in Clovermeade.” Bobby makes a discovery in space. Marcus, Ruby and Carlo make two more unsuccessful attempts to report news. Boswell shares a theory about why people don’t talk to him anymore. Featuring music by Seafair and Rosu Lup.
Produced by Mike Roberts. Written by Brian Bacon and Brendan Kelly.

Episode 3. Jugulary.
air date April 22, 2016
Things get rolling for Action News when a loose balloon cart crashes into a cake factory. Bobby controls his temper despite a close call with air. Boswell explains crime to the Help Desk and checks his answer with the Lift. Featuring music by Dionysia and The Vaughns. (Dionysia Facebook, Vaughns Facebook)
Produced by Mike Roberts. Written by Brian Bacon and Brendan Kelly.

Episode 4. Mayporwhill.
air date May 6, 2016
Clovermeade is Pet-Crazy! Dr. Edward Zymler educates RJ and Jennabel about the dangers of keeping notcoons as pets. Action News covers the case of a treed notcoon. Boswell reports a problem with the Lift. Featuring music by The Noise Figures and dollys.
Produced by Mike Roberts. Written by Brian Bacon and Brendan Kelly.

Episode 5. Jamborary.
air date May 21, 2016
Marcus unwittingly teaches the People for Buoyancy how to create havoc during the annual Jamborary Jamboree. Bobby shares his innermost thoughts on life. Featuring music by Lushlife + CSLSX (Lushlife website, CSLSX website)
Produced by Mike Roberts. Written by Brian Bacon and Brendan Kelly.

Episode 6. Hoptover.
air date September 1, 2016
The Help Desk gets complaints about Hold Music. The Lift has a gift for Boswell. Bobby deals with bees on his ship. Action News goes on the hunt after another planimal attack. Featuring music by The Legends.
Produced by Mike Roberts. Written by Brian Bacon and Brendan Kelly.

Episode 7. Heptember.
air date September 16, 2016
While Wally searches for the hole in the dome, Ruby investigates the labor market in Clovermeade. Boswell gets friendly with the Lift. Featuring music by The Bribes and The Jack Moves.
Written by Brian Bacon and Brendan Kelly. Produced by Mike Roberts. Special thanks to Chris Churavy for banjo on Tom Turkey!

Episode 8. Eve of Redrover.
air date September, 30 2016
Amidst Clovermeade's growing anxieties, the Help Desk works late into the night. Specko-Lift gets maintenance. The Ol' Storyteller explains the Legend of Tom Turkey. Featuring music by Von Sell and Robocobra Quartet.
Produced by Mike Roberts. Written by Brian Bacon and Brendan Kelly. Very special thanks to Jeff Jimison of Erie Canal Theater for editing and sound design of "The Walrus That Ate Upscale".

Episode 9. Redrover.
air date October, 16 2016
Action News spots an Object of Inexplicable Origin (OIO). Penny Tightgrove demonstrates her new relaxitivation techniques on RJ. Boswell gets re-introduced to the Lift. Featuring music by Tutlie and Alex Izenberg.
Produced by Mike Roberts. Written by Brian Bacon and Brendan Kelly.

air date October, 30 2016
Episode 10. Elember.
Election Fever! The stakes are high as candies for Pointyhat debate the big issues. Featuring music by French Cassettes and B00ty.
Produced by Mike Roberts. Written by Brian Bacon and Brendan Kelly with Lily Bacon. Very special thanks to DuckSingle for the excellent sounds!

air date November, 29 2016
Episode 11. Remember.
Clovermeade celebrates the merriest of all holidays! Featuring music by Mannequin Pussy and Sydney Eloise and The Palms.
Produced by Mike Roberts. Written by Brian Bacon and Brendan Kelly.

Episode 12. Ordunary.
air date February 10, 2017
The People for Buoyancy exercise their sovereignty over Clovermeade. Featuring music by Breanna Barbara and WoodzSTHLM feat. Noomi.
Produced by Mike Roberts. Written by Brian Bacon and Brendan Kelly.

Episode 13. Jabulary.
air date March 12, 2017
In the Season One finale, Marcus's release from the top of the dome comes at a price. RJ and Jennabel are bored with the news. Bobby Duchanko rededicates himself to the Mission . Featuring music by Family Atlantica and The Weather.
Produced by Mike Roberts. Written by Brian Bacon and Brendan Kelly with Lily Bacon.